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Compassionate Wound Care

Welcome to Histologics Wound Care - Introducing Soft K-Cot®

Please contact us for additional information and samples.

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Soft K-Cot® is a sterile, non-latex fingercot coated at the fingertip with an oval shaped Kylon® pad conditioned and suitable for debridement. It can be used and debris emptied once in concert with the Instructions for Use, and then discarded. Debrided material is usually necrotic and possibly contaminated, so it is advised that any evaluation for organisms in the wound base be sampled with a second device as a second procedure, using Soft K-Cot® or SoftBiopsy® or SoftBiopsy® +D (more focal smaller tip on an applicator). The Kylon® hooks retain the sample, and the cot or the tip of the SoftBiopsy® can be placed in the appropriate medium for culture, molecular testing, or anatomic pathology analysis. For debridement, please refer to the Instructions for Use and note it can be "emptied" of debris one time during any procedure using the product pouch.

Thus, Histologics has innovated pressure modulation via: “Debridement on a digit with single finger control TM” and "No one fears the Finger TM".